Our October Limelight feature focuses on one of our newest board members, Luke Schaeffer. We sat down with Luke to find out more about him and why he chose to volunteer with Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Lehigh Valley.
Luke is the Accounting Supervisor at Stoudt Associates, LLC. His role is to provide financial scorekeeping and coaching to businesses in the Lehigh Valley.
Position with BBBSLV:
Board Member and Finance Committee Member
What drew you to volunteer with BBBSLV?
Many people invested in me when I was a young kid and that has always greatly resonated with me. I have a passion to see the next generation succeed (as others wanted me to succeed)! One of the ways I can help see that become a reality is through volunteering and investing my time with the youth. BBBSLV does such amazing work with the youth in the Lehigh Valley. Their passions and goals directly match my own so it was this that drew me to volunteer with BBBSLV.
What keeps you motivated throughout the day?
I have always been motivated by the opportunity to learn and then apply that knowledge to improve myself both professionally and personally.
Who is one mentor who made an impact on your life and how?
I have been lucky to have several individuals who have mentored me over the years. I have known my current boss, Mike Stoudt, for over twenty years. He volunteered his time to youth ministry and positively impacted me as a kid. He has continued to mentor me over the past twenty years and helped me make college, career, and personal decisions. One of the greatest things he taught me was to always follow through on commitments and to be consistent in both your words and actions.
Do you volunteer anywhere else, or, are you involved with other community organizations?
I volunteer throughout the year with youth camps as well as with various youth ministries through Church. I remember how much fun I always had at overnight camps and those camps are not possible without volunteers. It was an easy decision to give back my time to ensure the next generation of kids had a blast at camp!
Describe volunteering with BBBSLV in one word.