During the cold winter months of the school year it can be easy for Bigs and Littles to run out of activity ideas. After-all there are only so many rounds of Uno or Connect Four that can be played!
Here are some activity suggestions that might help shoo away those winter-time blues.
• Check out the headlines of the latest newspapers from around the country.
• Best and Worst moments of the day.
• Keep a journal.
• Research and talk about famous people who used their abilities to get ahead.
• Make greeting, get-well, or holiday cards to give to other people.
• Make your own board game.
• Look at a map and talk about places you would like to visit.
• Look at age appropriate magazines read the newspaper, including the want ads.
• Play sports in the gymnasium.
• Work on the computer in the media center.
• Use post-it notes to write down all the things you like about yourself, like to do or would like to learn how to do, etc.
• Write stories together.
• Do a jigsaw puzzle.
• Talk about the best things and most challenging things from the prior year or first half of the school year and what you’ll do to overcome challenges this year. • • Build a model.
• Bring in a photo album, and share pictures of your family, house, and pets.
• Discuss favorite hobbies.
• Read the same book and talk about your favorite parts.
• Write a letter to a former teacher, a cousin or relative in another community, an old friend, the editor of a local newspaper, etc.
• Tell your Big/Little about your work and how you reached your position.
• Complete a resume together.
• Give your Big/Little a job application to complete.
• Administer a career interest inventory.
• Offer interviewing ideas and discuss proper dress codes for work.
• Discuss creative ways to make and save money
• Discuss the college selection process and entrance examinations.
• Ask the questions for the driver’s license test.
• Listen, listen, listen.